Please contact either Alex or Dalton if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Yes, at the Home2 Suites. Please check the Hotel Information page for details
Yes, we will have a shuttle between the Home2 Suites and the Venue. Some other hotels within walking distance are also listed here.
Yes, if you choose to drive there is plenty of parking at the venue. Please make sure if you plan on drinking that you utilize the shuttle or have a designated driver who will not be drinking.
The ceremony will be outdoors. The cocktail hour and reception will be inside with access to outdoor spaces. See more about our venue here.
Yes, the cocktail hour and reception will be just a few steps away from the ceremony.
Yes, drinks are on us! Please bring cash to tip our bartender.
We are currently planning for a buffet style dinner. We will have gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian/vegan options. If you have any other allergy or dietary concerns please contact us.
For our cocktail hour and reception we ask that all guests be at least 15 years of age. Our ceremony will be open to all ages.
Yes, click here.
A link will be available on our website when official invitations get sent out.